Our Story
In December of 1973, James Redfearn Jr. had a vision from God. In the vision, he saw multitudes of people screaming in terror as they fell from a tall cliff into hell. Nearing the end of the vision, the Lord spoke and said, “If you don’t tell them they will be lost”. From that time, James began to share the gospel of Jesus Christ where ever he went. In 1975, he was baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to witness. God confirmed his Word with signs following. Many were saved, healed and baptized in the Holy Ghost. God began to deal with him about the pastoral ministry, which eventually led to the founding of Word of Life Fellowship Church.

He knew he had heard from God. It all began to come to pass on June 14, 1986, at the home of Paul Lewis Jr. Fifteen people were present (three families) at this service. Along the way, God worked many miracles for us. We believed that God would provide us a Church building. God opened doors for us, and on September 6, 1986, we had our first Church service in our building. We had thirty-one people in attendance and we praised God for it.
In August of 1988, we rented the building next door and used it as our sanctuary. The other building was used to conduct Sunday school classes. We had fifty-five to sixty people in attendance on the first Sunday in the new building. On June 20, 1994, we purchased fifteen acres of land to build our new Church. We paid the land off.
We have Sunday morning classes from Primary to Adult. We also have Children’s Church, Toddler’s Class, and a Nursery.
We have several auxiliaries such as our Youth Ministry, Singles Ministry, Senior Saints (ages 60 and up), Ladies Fellowship and Men’s Prayer and Fellowship. One of our major goals is to let people know that they do not have to stay where they are. Past victories are not enough. Like athletes who win once, but cannot rest on past accomplishments, we too must press onto new heights.
Our Church has enjoyed a rich past. We have seen the hand of God move in our midst as we have invested in the lives of other people. The challenge now before us is really a question. Do we settle for past victories or do we cross the threshold of new and expanded opportunities now before us? Our future is brighter than our past. We must press forward to continue to reach the lost for Christ. We must let people know that they do not have to stay where they are and that there is hope and that hope is in Jesus Christ.
“In all we endeavor to do God gets the glory.”